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FFXIV Gil - The Primary Currency in Final Fantasy XIV

Gil is the currency used in Final Fantasy XIV and players can acquire it by engaging in quests, guildleves, duty roulettes, dungeons, or the Market Board.

FFXIV gil crafting is one of the best ways to earn money in Final Fantasy XIV, but it may take a long time until reaching profitability.

1. Crafting

An abundance of Gil is often an aspiration among gamers, whether for housing, cosmetics or gearing their classes. Crafting can be one of the best methods of producing this wealth; some users can even produce multiple billions each day!

Monsters drop loot that can be sold, while some enemies such as Bangaa drop direct items that can be resold for much higher prices. Gil can also be found in treasure chests and coffers - although only in small amounts.

The player can earn Gil through main story and job quests, dungeons and side content like Eureka and Bozja dungeons; thieves may mug beastmen and NMs for some quick cash; however this usually only amounts to several thousand at most. Equipment, weapons and components may also be sold directly or on the market board with a markup price. If needed, interested individuals can click here or visit our official website in order to know about buy ffxiv gil online.

2. Gathering

Players pursuing professions that involve gathering (miners, fisherman and botanist) can use the Market Committee as a valuable way of making steady Gil while helping out their fellow players.

Questing can bring in quite a lot of Gil, although not for long. Side quests, guildleves and Duty Finder missions will also earn some FFXIV gil.

Player housing is another effective way of earning Gil, although it will take time and some adjustment before building up a substantial sum. As with the other methods mentioned here, Gil accumulation may take some time before reaching significant numbers; hopefully this issue will be addressed in future updates of Endwalker. Having ample Gil can serve as motivation for reaching higher levels, purchasing catch-up equipment or even investing in fancy mounts!

3. Selling

As is common with MMOs, Final Fantasy XIV provides players with plenty of incentive for their efforts through quests, guildleves and chests that occasionally contain Gil.

Accumulating enough Gil to buy the best gear can be time consuming and difficult, which is why it is crucial that players understand how gil works in Final Fantasy XIV as well as different ways they can acquire it.


FFXIV Gil currency can be used to purchase items, equipment, weapons, Materia, inn rooms and transportation services. Gil can also be sold at the Market Board or traded between players via the in-game mail system. Gil is earned through quests, guildleves and dungeons completion, doing duties via Duty Finder as well as killing enemies in open world areas as well as selling items at Market Board or Deliver Moogle locations - and using Gold Finder abilities can increase how much gil players receive after battle!

4. Retainers

Retainers are an indispensable asset for players looking to maximize their passive income. Serving as extra item and Gil storage (up to 9999 of each shard, crystal and cluster), Retainers also list items available for sale on the Market Board and can be summoned through Summoning Bells found throughout major cities, housing wards and endgame hubs.

Retainers can be sent on various ventures, ranging from gathering (mining, crafting and fishing) to dungeons and alliance raids - helping players earn significant amounts of gil with minimal effort. Two free retainers are provided at Mog Station while seven more may be purchased there for a fee; as you progress further you may wish to add Gatherers or Hunters as well depending on their ilvl and gathering stat status - these determine whether your retainer can complete certain quests (like 18-hour Field explorations), as well as reward types they earn you in return.